Youth Suicide First Aid (Virtual)

Youth Suicide First Aid is aimed at professionals and individuals living/working with young people to have conversations to support a young person experiencing thoughts of suicide.


A fully funded course for those living or working in or across Lancashire and/or South Cumbria, meaning eligible attendees will not be charged. Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information. For more information on eligibility please contact 

Sadly over 200 school children are lost to suicide each year, and it is one of the leading cause of death in young people n the UK. However, suicide is one of the most preventable deaths, yet many people do not know how to support someone who is at risk of suicide. 

This half day suicide prevention course aims to give learners the knowledge and skills needed to prevent deaths of young people from suicide, . You will learn: 


  • How to identify the signs of a young person who is at risk of suicide

  • How to talk about suicide in a safe and confident way

  • How to develop a safety plan with a young person who is having suicidal thoughts

  • Where to signpost a young person at risk of suicide for further support


Learners who can show the required awareness of Suicide First Aid will receive a certificate and can apply to be Orange Button holders. The Orange Button holder scheme identifies people in Lancashire and South Cumbria who have passed suicide prevention training and are willing to be approached by members of the general public to provide information or signposting related to suicide prevention. 





Delivery Method:

This course is taught virtually, on Zoom (please be aware that Zoom is not a GDPR compliant.  By signing up to this course you are agreeing that you are happy to attend and receive the training on the Zoom platform).  It is licensed instructor led programme and requires regular interaction from learners. You will need access to the internet, a webcam, a speaker or headphones, and a microphone to fully participate. Webcams must be kept on at all times. 

While Lancashire Mind and our associate trainers are not IT professionals, there is extra time built in at the start of the training session to resolve joining difficulties.