Self Harm Parenting Workshop - virtual

For parents or carers who suspect or are aware that their child is self injuring. Provides guidance and support to deal with these challenges at home.


A workshop for parents or carers of young people at risk of self injury / self harm, fully funded, so there is no cost to parents or carers.

Lancashire Mind recognise the challenges parents and carers face in managing their child or young person's self injury behaviour. Co-produced with CYP professionals and parents, our self harm parenting workshop aims to support parents and carers whose children or young people self injure. 


Learning Outcomes:

• To validate the emotions parents and carers experience in managing self injury behaviour of a child or young person

• To help destigmatise self injury behaviour

• Promote awareness of practical strategies to support children and young people around self injury behaviour

• Promote effective communication around self injury behaviour


Each parent/carer will receive a Self Harm Safe Kit as part of the workshop to support them in talking to their child or young person about their self injury behaviour.



The workshop is for parents and carers. It is not aimed at professionals, who will have different boundaries. We offer separate training for professionals. Please contact us for offers dedicated to professionals.


Delivery Method

This workshop is delivered virtually via Zoom. Webcams are kept off to keep sessions more anonymous and relaxed.


“The resources we received following the workshops have helped me in supporting my child with their mental health and wellbeing as they have made me more confident in the knowledge gained to be able to better support my child, and also to not feel so alone and isolated.”

Parent Feedback