Our Terms and Conditions
Please read our terms and conditions and make sure you understand them. They set our obligations in relation to our services between you and Lancashire Mind. The terms explain what happens once you have booked one of our paid-for or funded services, how to make payment (where applicable), what to do if there is a problem and how you and we may change or end the contract with us. You should retain a copy of these terms for your records.
These terms cover the provision of the products and services that can be booked through our paid-for services or funded offer as a charitable organisation.
1. Contacting Us
1.1 You may contact us in relation to the products and/or services you receive by emailing admin@lancashiremind.org.uk, or by writing to us at Lancashire Mind, 80-82 Devonshire Road, Chorley, PR7 2DR. Alternatively, you can call us on 01257 231660 between the hours of 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
2. Contact From Us
2.1 If we need to contact you, we will do so be email or by telephone at the email or telephone number you have provided us with. This excludes any safeguarding concerns we may have in relation to you, or any participant we host on your behalf, in relation to their safety and personal wellbeing.
To find out more about our safeguarding policy, please go to
3. Our Contract With You
3.1 Accepting Your Booking
3.1.1 Any description, advertisement, documentation issues by us and any description contained on the Lancashire Mind website, or any brochures or distributed literature in relation to the product/service will be accurate at the time of distribution and/or publication. Subject to any obvious error, the description and price of the service/product will be honoured at the date your booking is made. All payments (as relevant) under these terms shall be in UK pound sterling.
3.1.2 Upon making a booking with us for an individual place, product or service; whether online, by telephone or email; you will be sent a confirmation of our acceptance of your order whether by email or through our automated booking system.
3.1.3 A booking confirmation brings into existence a legally binding contract based on these terms between yourself and Lancashire Mind.
3.1.4 Any resources and/or delivery materials produced by Lancashire Mind are the intellectual property rights of Lancashire Mind and may not be distributed beyond the purpose of the service and/or product they have been designed for.
3.1.5 Where you are not the purchaser (whereby you may be receiving a funded product/individual place or service from us), you acknowledge and agree that you have the authority to bind any product/service on whose behalf you have purchased or received a place or places on one of our events/services.
3.1.6 Where you are not the purchaser, you acknowledge and agree that in entering into this contract you do not rely on any statement, representation, assurance or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in these terms.
3.1.7 Where you are not the purchaser, you and Lancashire Mind agree that neither of us shall have any claim for innocent or negligent misrepresentation or any statement in this contract.
3.2 Price and Payment
3.2.1 If you are paying for a product or service, you must purchase the product and/or service by paying the appropriate fees as set out on the website, brochure, proposal and/or email request.
3.2.2 Online purchases made via our learning portal/website must be paid for in full at the time of purchase. Should you wish to purchase a bulk order and pay by invoice, please contact the relevant team by email as per Clause 8.
3.2.3 Unless you are booking a service/product online, an invoice for payment of the appropriate fees shall be sent to the email address you have provided at the time of booking and it is your responsibility to ensure the address provided is correct.
3.2.4 You are required to ensure that any invoice is paid within 30 days of the date on the invoice. If you fail to make payment by the due date we reserve the right to charge interest at Bank of England base rate for the period that any remain overdue.
3.2.5 Delivery of the product/service prior to us receiving payment will form a legally binding contract.
3.3 Non-Payment
3.3.1 Whereby we do not receive payment from you, in accordance with clause 3.2. This will constitute a breach of our contract and, without prejudice to clause 3.2 we may refuse delivery of the product/service.
3.3.2 We may take legal action in order to recover any outstanding payment. We reserve the right to recover any legal or administrative costs of collection.
3.3.3 Without prejudice to (the above clause), we may refuse or cancel future products/services where payments for a product/service under these terms remain outstanding.
3.4 What Happens If Our Pricing Is Wrong
3.4.1 It is always possible that, despite our best efforts, some services/products we sell may be incorrectly priced. We will normally check prices before accepting a booking so that our products/services are correctly priced at your date of booking, however, should the price be less than our stated price at your order date, we will charge the lower amount. If the correct price at your order date is higher that the price stated to you, we will contact you for your instructions before we accept your booking. If we accept and process your booking where a pricing error is obvious and unmistakeable and could reasonably have been recognised by you as a mispricing, we may end the contract, refund you any monies you have paid and cancel delivery of your product/service.
4. Making Changes To Your Booking
Despite ours and your best efforts, due to unforeseen circumstances we may be unable to deliver a product or service or you may be unable to receive our product or service.
4.1 Our Right To Make Changes
4.1.1 We reserve the right to make changes to venues we have organised (within the same town), and substitute delivery staff at our discretion.
4.1.2 Where Lancashire Mind are unable to deliver a service or product face to face, the parties may mutually agree on an alternative digital platform delivery, or alternative date for delivery.
4.1.3 Where the product or service is to take place on a date and physical venue set out in the booking confirmation, unless otherwise stated in clause 4.1.1, we shall deliver the product/service with the information you have provided about it.
4.1.4 Where the product or service is to be delivered in a virtual format, both parties will make the best effort to ensure that the agreed platform is accessible and capable of delivering or receiving the service to an acceptable standard.
4.1.5 Where the product or service is to be delivered in a virtual format, neither party shall be liable for fault or failure of the agreed platform or internet challenges that may occur during the delivery of the service, should it be deemed out of their control. Should Lancashire Mind be unable to deliver a service or product at an acceptable level, due to internet challenges on the part of the Lancashire Mind, we will endeavour to re-arrange delivery of the product/service.
5. Cancelling, Transferring Or Postponing
5.1 You can cancel or transfer your booking in the following circumstances:
a) Where you are the purchaser or recipient of a funded service, you have a right to cancel within 14 days of receiving the booking confirmation by email, telephone or in writing. Please notify us giving your name, contact email, details of the order and telephone number. However, if you are the recipient of a funded service and you fail to notify of us of cancellation or postponement you may be charged full cost of delivery of that service or product.
b) Should you not cancel with 14 days of receiving the booking confirmation you will become liable in full for the service fees. If you are the recipient of a funded service and you fail to notify us of cancellation or postponement you may be charged full cost of delivery of that service or product.
c) You have the right to transfer your booking to another date and/or venue providing you give us at least 14 days notice. However, we cannot guarantee availability on your replacement date of your choice. Where we agree to the transfer:
i) Your original acceptance of these terms and conditions will also transfer.
ii) If the monies for the replacement product or service are less that the event you originally booked, we will refund the difference in accordance to clause 3.4.1.
iii) If the appropriate fees for the replacement product or service are more than you originally booked, we will send you a revised invoice for payment to the address which you will provide when making the request to transfer (whether a physical address or email address); you should pay the invoice in accordance with clause 3.2.1.
d) You have the right to cancel your product and/or service where there is a change of face to face venue made by Lancashire Mind.
e) Should you cancel outside of the 14 day cancellation period we are unable to offer a refund, however, we will work with you to arrange a mutually agreeable date for delivery or transfer of the product or service to another recipient within a 6 month period only.
f) Lancashire Mind will endeavour to work with you to arrange any substitution recipients of our products/services, however, we will not be able to accept substitutions at the point of delivery. However, we do not take responsibility for arranging substitutions in a timely manner and are unable to offer refunds for non-attendance. Should you need to make a learner substitution, please contact training@lancashiremind.org.uk.
6. Your Rights If We Cancel A Service And/Or Product
6.1 Wherever possible, we will contact you in advance to tell you we will be cancelling delivery of a product or service, unless an emergency requires us to cancel on the day of delivery of the product or service.
6.2 We reserve the right to cancel or postpone delivery of a training product or service due to insufficient delegate numbers to ensure a high-quality delivery experience.
6.3 We reserve the right to cancel or postpone delivery of a product or service is a Lancashire Mind staff member is unwell and we are unable to provide a replacement staff member to deliver the product or service booked.
6.4 In the event we cancel or postpone delivery of a product or service, we will:
i) Endeavour to work with you to re-arrange a delivery within a 6-month period.
ii) Reschedule another open access delivery date.
Alternatively, you may ask for a refund of the product or service that has been cancelled or postponed.
7. How We Will Refund You
7.1 Where a service or product has been cancelled by the purchaser within the 14-day cancellation period, you shall be entitled to a refund of the fees for that product and/or service. We aim to refund you within 14 days beginning with the day on which we agree that you are entitled to a refund.
7.2 Where an service or product is cancelled due to circumstances laid out in clause 5 or clause 6 and you request a refund; you will be refunded your fees but not any other expenses (for example; venue, hotel, travel, parking). Your refund will be processed within 14 days beginning with the day on which we agree that you are entitled to a refund.
8. If You Experience A Problem Or You Have A Complaint
If you have any questions or queries about the booking process or delivery of any of our products or services, please contact the relevant team by email:
Training/Workplace: karenarrowsmith@lancashiremind.org.uk
Schools/Young People: hannahholden@lancashiremind.org.uk
Wellbeing Coaching: mirandaringland@lancashiremind.org.uk
9. How We May Use Your Personal Information
9.1 We will use the personal information you provide us with:
a) To deliver the product or service and provide any resources relevant to the product or service.
b) To process your payment for the event (where applicable).
c) To give you information about any of the service and/or products we offer, but you may stop receiving this any time by contacting us using the details provided in clause 1.1.
9.3 Your personal information may be used in line with our safeguarding policy to ensure the personal safety and wellbeing of those who use our services in line with our Safeguarding Policy. Details of our Safeguarding Policies can be found in clause 2.1.
9.4 We will only share your personal information with third parties where the law requires us to do so, where there is a data sharing agreement in place with your workplace/organisation or in line with our Safeguarding Policy and Privacy Policy. For more information on our Safeguarding and our Privacy Policy, please revisit Clause 2.1.
9.5 Lancashire Mind places significant importance to the evaluation of its services and products. We will evaluate services following delivery in accordance with the product and/or service you have received from us. In addition, Lancashire Mind may contact you to carry out further evaluation of the impact of the service or product you have received at a later date. Evaluation of our products not only ensures continuous development and high quality services but supports us, as a charitable organisation, to look for funding streams to support further funded delivery of our products and services.